I highly recommend educators and parents to read the cover story in TIME magazine (Vol.171. No.8) by Claudia Wallis. Definitely a controversial article for some and enlightening for others. Either way it brings about conversation and debate that is needed to improve teaching. An investment in all of our future. The article also talks about invigorating the profession by providing teachers with other professional opportunities, like the chance to grow in the job, learn from the best of their peers, show leadership and have a voice in decision-making, including how their work is judged. Many school districts in BC have already made a serious investment into providing this time of change. To read this article please click on link below:
More related articles follow on topics such as, How They Do It Abroad: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1713557,00.html
A fascinating look at education around the world leads one to the documentary Two Million Minutes, it compares how American students measure up to those in India and China. http://2mminutes.com
[Via http://kidsed.wordpress.com]
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