Sunday, January 31, 2010

Swimsuits and suicide-belts?

According to Dr. Kifah Al-Ramali of the Gaza Islamic University, beauty contests are yet another part of the eternal Western plot against Islam. The true beauty queen, according to Cousin Itt Dr. Al-Ramali, is the “jihad mother” who waits patiently while her menfolk blow themselves up or otherwise get themselves killed trying to murder Jews:

From the transcript:

The real Palestinian beauty queen is the Jihad-fighting mother, the mother who perseveres and endures the siege, the mother who says: We will suffer hunger, but we will not bow down, the mother who sacrificed martyrs and demonstrated forbearance. She is the wife of the martyr, who left her in the prime of life, with her children, yet she says: I will persevere, and I will raise my children to be mujahideen. She is the mother who has lost her husband, her sons, her daughters, her home and her shelter, yet she displays forbearance. She is the queen of the women of the world in its entirety, not just of Palestine.

Of course, the real target of the Evil Beauty Contest Plot(tm) is Muslim men.  Dr. Al-Ramali explains:

The enemies of Allah have studied the mentality of the Muslims, and have studied what harms their religion and their faith. They have studied how to infiltrate our society. First, they intervened in women’s [issues]. This is because they know that the prophet Muhammad said: “The greatest temptation for men is women.” Women are the greatest temptation. They know what weapon to use to fight [Muslim] society. Allah sowed in men the attraction to women, and vice versa.

Devious, isn’t it? The Crusaders (that’s us) and the Jews (We’re their puppets, you know) will distract brave, brave mujahideen from blowing up Jews by showing them a little skin. That’s why women have to be covered, you see: men are unable to control themselves  around an “immodest” woman, like a cat that sees uncovered meat. In other words, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali has pointed out, under Islam women are responsible for the sexual behavior and misbehavior of men. To come back to Dr. Al-Ramali’s sick mind arguments, this is why beauty contests are evil: to participate in them is to allow oneself to be used as a weapon against Islam and to avoid one’s duty as a mujahideen-making machine.

With “intellectuals” like this, is it any wonder Palestinian society is hopeless?

RELATED: More anti-Semitic tripe from the good doctor. In an earlier panel interview, she tells us that Judaism teaches its followers that it is okay to rape and murder non-Jews:

The killing of Palestinian women, and women in general, by the Jews is not a random thing. Rather, it is their ideology, which is taught to their children in their curricula. It is mentioned in the books of the Torah. I will present some short samples, although their books are full of this. For instance, the greatest Jewish scholar, on whom they completely rely, Maimonides, wrote in his book that the Jews have the right to rape non-believing women. By non-believing, he meant non-Jewish.

Read the full transcript and watch the video. Her co-panelists are equally charming.


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