Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Christians Involved In Sexual Scandals - Again and Again and Again

Christians are always concerned about the sexual lives of others and condemning others.  Funny, they condemn all types of sexual behaviors that are legal while they are taking part, IN LARGE NUMBERS, in ILLEGAL sexual acts.  Most of those crimes committed against children.

Don’t forget, we need you to send more money than usual to the Christian churches so that they can pay their legal bills and pay off others to hide the truth.   So lets help all Christians praise their God for creating child molesters (“I (God) created the wicked for the evil day”).  Send them money to hide their crimes and pretend it is not their fault or their God’s fault.  You know, the God that created child molesters like a potter forms clay for honor and dishonor….wait…didn’t their God say that?

Remember, in order for Christian religions to grow in our world and bring us their wonderful practices, you need to support your Republican politicians and send money.

It not only costs to pay those large legal bills but they need to pay off as many as possible to keep lots o fit hidden from public eyes and the law.

[Via http://truelogic.wordpress.com]

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