Saturday, October 31, 2009

Los niños ven, los niños hacen

Hoy seré sincero (no quiero decir con ello que no lo sea habitualmente), este vídeo forma parte de un evento que ha llegado a mi bandeja de entrada en una red social a la cual pertenezco. Sí, una red social que ahora está muy de moda entre la juventud española, y en la cual se instalan menores, en la cual estos menores cuelgan fotos de todo tipo renunciando así a su derecho de imagen en esas fotos, pero ese es otro asunto que trataremos mas en profundidad en otro momento.

Este vídeo es solo un reflejo de lo que pasa en nuestra sociedad. Debemos estar concienciados de que los niños no hacen sino imitar el comportamiento que tienen sus mayores, esas personas a las que ellos adoran y quienes son su modelo a seguir. Por ello he elegido este vídeo en esta ocasión. Espero que sea impactante, o al menos que os ayude a reflexionar por poco que sea.

Making Jill-o-Lanterns

Aahh, pumpkin time.  What other time of the year will two little girls willingly stick their hands into a gooey slippery mess and smile about it?

This year we had a Mama pumpkin and a baby pumpkin.  The girls always sketch out the design and I do the cutting.  They do the gutting these days.

Always fun celebrating what one of the girls’ classmates calls “Satan’s Birthday.”

The pumpkin gutting has become quite the family tradition.  I clicked around on the old hard drive and found this little gem from six years ago.

I don’t care what the pagan origins of this holiday are.  It’s just fun.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dr. Kelly Sennholz Discusses: Don't Be SAD!

Life is precious and to be enjoyed.  The outward result of your life starts in a very warm, cozy place — right inside YOU.  Your thoughts create the feelings and ultimately the responses that you exhibit.  If you are happy, loving, sad, determined or any other state, it is the thoughts in your head that creates it (NOT the behavior or activities of others. Hmmm).  Have you ever loved something or someone and found out a negative about them and subsequently changed your feelings about them?  They didn’t change in that moment, you did.  With new information you made a decision to love or not love, to help or not help, to support or not support when there was no change of circumstance.  Your thoughts created your reaction.  You can work on being positive, simply by changing your mind.  Don’t let past decisions complicate your present.  Choose health, choose delicious, choose vigorous, choose restful.  It’s that simple. What one little new choice can you make today?

 Vitamin D and Mental Health

Volumes of studies are now documenting the relationship between vitamin D levels and mental health.  It is clear, most of us in the developing world have deficiencies of vitamin D that can impact not only our mental health, but our immunity, disease state, cardiovascular health and many other functions. 

Vitamins are generally known to be responsible for a single disease and appropriate supplementation should correct the disease. A hormone, on the other hand, goes to distant tissues and has multiple metabolic activities. Vitamin D is in a class by itself. Its metabolic product, calcitriol, is actually a secosteroid hormone that targets over 1000 genes in the human body. And as such, it should come as no surprise that vitamin D deficiency is also linked to behavioral and mental issues such as major depression and seasonal effective disorder…even possibly autism, Parkinson’s Disease and general cognitive function.

  •     Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in patients with Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2008 Oct;65(10):1348-52.
  •     Vitamin D deficiency is associated with low mood and worse cognitive performance in older adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2006 Dec; 14(12):1032-40.
  •     Vitamin D receptor variants in 192 patients with schizophrenia and other psychiatric diseases. Neurosci Lett. 2005 May 20-27;380(1-2):37-41.

Current recommendations for Vitamin D intake are 2000 IU a day to prevent deficiency states.

Coping with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Some of the ways to combat winter “blues” include letting more light in your house, taking walks, exercising regularly, getting proper sleep, managing the stress in your life and socializing.  Easy to say!!  Sit down and write out 5 things that are now stressing you and one step you can take to begin to ease the stress.  You don’t have to fix the problem all in one sitting.  If we make little changes in the directions of our dreams, the stress will lift.  Another great idea is to spend 10 minutes right before bedtime and write down the things you are grateful for each day. This is one of the most powerful mood stimulators known to man.  Give it a try!

To your health,

Dr. Sennholz

For further health recommendations, visit our site at


Any information, medical or otherwise, contained in this blog is purely for entertainment and is not intended as medical advice or medical treatment.  Please consult your own doctor for any medical advice or treatment. 

Single Mother.

You’re a single mother trying to raise 3 kids.
You feel like you messed up in life cause you got 3 kids that have no father.
But shouldn’t cause the father of these 3 kids doesn’t give a damn about his children.
And you do everything for your children.
You feel like the world has come to an end and you say to yourself it couldn’t get any worse than this.
But you show up to work to hear the bad news
To get fired cause of the recession.
You come home with a concern cause you don’t have a job anymore.
You feed your kid’s dinner and go to bed starving.
Cause your afraid they might not have enough to eat.
The next day you go out to find a job but no one is hiring.
Your out all day and come home exhausted.
Your kid’s ask you what’s for dinner?
But you can’t give them an answer cause your out of money.
And all you can say is i’m sorry and is run to the bedroom and start crying.
But before you cry yourself to sleep.
You pray to God for a miracle and to give you strength to take care of your family.
And when you depend on God for guidance, nothing can go wrong.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wisdom Comes with Age

Reality is an evil place to live.  There’s a reason why the majority of society lives in denial of something.  For me, it’s my age.

It’s as if one day I was nineteen, thin, and knew the answer to all the world’s problems and then the next day…well, let’s just say I had to wear a fat outfit today, the kids I once babysat are now in college, and I’ve forgotten how to not only bring about world peace, but also how to mix Hillary Clinton with Donna Reed and get a perfectly successful, yet domesticated woman.

I’ve realized that I am aging and it’s been a shock to my system; however, with age comes wisdom or so they say.  So today I impart to you my newfound knowledge.

1.  Nail polish may not stay on nails, but it can be used to complete practically any school project.  It’s worked on everything from wooden box cars to turkey feathers, mainly because school projects don’t spend much time in Palmolive.

2.  If you eat chocolate until your blood begins to darken and you find yourself smelling like Nestle’s when you sweat, You Will Gain Weight.

3.  Never yell at your daughter.  She will always take it to heart.  This includes when she wakes you up out of a deep sleep to tell you that she needs to make turkey feathers for school tomorrow.  This includes when you tell her to give you five minutes to wake up and you’ll help her and she comes back after 35 seconds giving you a million reasons why you don’t know how to make turkey feathers.  This includes when after you’ve spent an hour gluing beans, pasta, candy wrapper foils, and little pieces of fabric to cardstock feathers, you find out the dang turkey isn’t due for TWO MORE WEEKS!

4.  Unless you plan on loosing your dog, selling your children, and locking your husband out of the house, don’t ever expect it to stay clean for more than two full minutes.

5.  Buy stock in silverware and socks, they constantly disappear.

6.  Our parents shouldn’t have told us that life is hard, they should have told us that life is not cheap.  Children drain you of every last cent.

7.  Kosher salt is like a lifeline to a hormonal woman.  I love it.  I’m not sure why this should surprise me since I am a huge fan of bagels, but it does.  I’m just sad I waited so long to try it.

8.  The quest to cover your gray hair will be more challenging than trying to cover your tracks when you were fifteen and didn’t want to be grounded.

9.    When you find yourself relating to Maxine cartoons, it’s probably time to stop fighting the progress of nature and just start clipping Depends coupons.

10.  God is always faithful.  No joke.

What have you learned with time?

Notice I didn’t say age?

I don’t like to make you mad at me.  I’m a pleaser by nature.

By the way, I’ve added a ‘Reviews’ page to my header, because sometimes people actually ask for my opinion.

The Tooth Fairy

Last week I had my first run in with the tooth fairy and I should kick her glitter butt from here to never-never-again-land.

Wait, back up.

A few weeks ago I reported to all my facebook friend’s that Kat was loosing her first baby tooth. *sob sob* another milestone *sob* what’s a friggin milestone and why can’t we change it to a kilometresign? *sob*

Lot’s of nice suggestions on how to get the wiggle tooth all the way out but the problem was no amount of wiggling was making a difference. Even watching The Wiggles while wiggling the tooth didn’t wiggle it out. In twitter terms that’s a #wigglefail.

All the while a massive white pointer that was literally white and pointy, was poking up from the fluidy pink recess behind Kat’s bottom teeth. Soon it was too large to be ignored. My daughter was growing in her adult teeth behind her baby teeth. She would have two rows of teeth and they would call her “shark girl”.

Deciding on a dentist is hard work too. I’m not a big fan of dentists, they tend to come at you while you’re wide awake with metal instruments and try and stick them in your mouth. It is barbaric. I don’t care how shiny those metal tools are.

A dentist was finally chosen with a website that smacked of unnecessary luxuries like the possibility of a cappuccino while you waited on red velvet lounges and could be entertained by a multimedia collection of your choosing while being massaged by Arabian monks.

Unfortunately cross referencing Saint Smiley Dentist with my insurance company revealed no joy. Kat would be booked into the local dentist/medical centre that boasted a 6inch plasma on the wall and free water.

Walking into that clinic for the first time was like walking into a familiar nightmare. I think parents have to be so brave for the sake of their children and it sux. There I said it.

“This is going to be fun Kat, you wait til you see all the um, fun stuff that the dentist will show you.”

Fortunately for both of us the dentist we lucked in with was lovely as was her assistant. They gave Kat some funky pink and purple sunglasses so she couldn’t really see the shiny steely metal implements of doom coming towards her mouth. These were not mentioned on the features list for this dentist and clearly should’ve been as Kat thought they were great.

So as her pleasure at her new look continued unabated I was told by the dentist in no uncertain terms that Kat’s teeth were coming in too early and would need to be pulled out one by one if her jaw growth didn’t catch up. Lovely dentist lady was quickly turning into Madam Dentist of Doom.

“So my daughter eats meat off the bone and chews leather boots for breakfast – of course she needs her adult teeth now and not 2 years from now. Can’t you accommodate that without pulling her teeth out???”

Apparently not. So my sweet girl had her first needle in the gum and plier pull. To her credit and my absolute amazement she didn’t cry/flinch or even declare that she hated me forever and would never go back to a dentist. In fact, she happily chatted through the whole procedure. Oblivious to the cruel manipulations going on in her tiny mouth.

“Here you go darling. I’ll put this in a little bag for you to take home to give to the toothfairy” – Dentist Doom says. Great now I have to contend with a fairy on top of nearly passing out when I saw you go in for the pull.

The excitement complemented with a kids magazine and a milkshake and a balloon or two, by bedtime the high fell quickly into a dead sleep. This also allowed that naughty fairy to come and take Kat’s tooth. Three x $1 coins all shiny and gold (to overset those shiny silver dentist tools) were left in a special tooth fairy pillow. And a very over excited and milestone marking fairy sprinkled her golden glitter all over the pillow too. Magic happens right?


Oh the heady magic of midnight activities.

So my first run in with the tooth fairy ended in the cool white light of morning reflecting off every piece of glitter that had “magically” spread from the tooth pillow into Kat’s hair, onto her sheets, all over the floor, right through the house, up into our bed and into my hair and David’s too.

Of course the bouncing giggling toothless grin of our four year old,
holding her bounty and the glitter coated tooth pillow was probably worth it all… but never never again.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

This Month in the Middle (September 2009)

I officially renamed this series “This Month in the Middle” last month and added the new graphics. Each month this entry provides a categorized listing of the posts from the prior month. So, here is the Monthly Round Up of the posts to Dad in the Middle for September 2009. Look for the new index page to Dad in the Middle coming soon!

What Kids Must Know About Sin Series
  • 5 Things Kids Must Know About Sin (Children’s Ministry Think Tank) [09/18/2009]
  • 5 Things Kids Must Know About Sin (#1 What Is Sin?) [09/21/2009]
  • 5 Things Kids Must Know About Sin (#2 Where Does Sin Come From?) [09/22/2009]
  • 5 Things Kids Must Know About Sin (#3 Who sins?) [09/23/2009]
  • 5 Things Kids Must Know About Sin (#4 What Are the Consquences of Sin?) [09/24/2009]
  • 5 Things Kids Must Know About Sin (#5 What Is The Solution For Sin?) [09/25/2009]
Come Ye’ Children Synopsis
  • Feed MY Lambs (Synopsis of Come Ye’ Children – Chapter 7) [09/04/2009]
  • The Child Timothy and His Teachers (Synopsis of Come Ye’ Children – Chapter [09/11/2009]
Children’s Ministry / Kid’s Stuff
  • You’re Losing Us! [09/03/2009]
  • You’ve Got To Love An Honest Kid (Children’s Ministry Moment #3) [09/06/2009]
  • I’m Busy! Do I Have Time To Care for God’s Children? [09/08/2009]
  • Talking to Kids About Death [09/15/2009]
  • Evidence [09/19/2009]
  • Best of the Best – Children’s Ministry Internet Resources [09/29/2009]
Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol
  • The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (August 2009) [09/01/2009]
Why I Believe the Bible
  • Why I Believe the Bible #04 (The Bible is Internally Consistent) [09/02/2009]
  • Why I Believe the Bible #05 (The Bible is Unique Amongst Books) [09/09/2009]
  • Why I Believe the Bible #06 (The Supernatural Survival of the Text) [09/16/2009]
  • Why I Believe the Bible #07 (Reliability of Transmission of Old Testament) [09/30/2009]
Monday Morning Prophecy
  • Monday Morning Prophecy #20 – The Messiah Would Come From the Lineage of Judah [09/07/2009]
  • Monday Morning Prophecy #21 – The Messiah Would Come From the Lineage of Jesse [09/14/2009]
  • Monday Morning Prophecy #22 – The Messiah Would Come From the Lineage of David [09/28/2009]
Just for Fun
  • Listen to Your Wife [09/05/2009]
  • How Great Thou Art (Carrie Underwood) [09/12/2009]
  • Psalm 23 [09/26/2009]


seperti tulisan saya kmrn mengenai kegiatan CHC, lambat laun saya mulai mengenal anak anak disana. (jujur, sakjane ki aku gag seneng karo anak anak tapi yo gag benci benci banget, muk nek nyebahi yo aku iso sengit tenan. untunge hurung ono sik nyebahi~ haha)

gag bisa dibilang anak normal mereka itu (ini artinya positif lho!). keingintahuan mereka sangat besar! kemarin, 24 oktober, ada anak yang nanya : kenapa orang yang sumo itu meskipun badannya super besar tapi tetep sehat dan kuat?

karena kami menganggapnya anak anak (kadang kadang kalo kita bisa jawab mereka malah kecewa sih:’”  hihihi-alesan:P) kami membalas : kenapa ya?, dan mereka jawab : karena kalo kayak aku (tubuhnya sedikit bundar sih), kegemukan gitu bisa kena serangan jantung. tapi kalo mereka itu orang jepang banyak makan ikan salmon, jadi gemuk-nya gemuk sehat soalnya kolesterolnya bagus! (glad im a vegeQuarian)

whuaaaaaaaaa… aku shocked ngedengernya … sumpeh ..
mereka sungguh deh … hahaha unspeakable:P

selanjutnya si Hendrik ngelanjutin obrolan tentang : apa bedanya salmon sama ikan lain? salmon tu yang kayak apa? pertanyaan pertanyaan sederhana gitu, dan si anak itu (maap ga inget namanya~hix~besok akan aku tanya lagi deh) mulai mengeluarkan perbendaharaan kata yang banyak banget tentang ikan ikanan (aku gag bisa ingat~itu kata kata yang sangat asing buatku!kecuali satu nama :: ) jelas bukan ikan tawar, tapi itu ikan laut dan yang bisa aku cerna hanya baracuda (beruntung aku sering ke pelelangan ikan hahaha). dia bahkan bisa menggambarkan bentuk bentuk ikannya, seperti bencuk cucutnya, giginya smpai siripnya. ~kyaaaaaa.. *panik*

kegiatan berlanjut, di ujung kelas aku ngeliat semacam hasil pekerjaan kelompok gitu. itu semacam mading-yang isinya tentang obat obatan. mereka gunting kardus obat, lalu ditempel di karton besar yang udah di kotak kotakin sebelumnya berbentuk tabel. trus mereka tulis di sebelahnya tentang kandungan, ingredients, dan aturan minumnya. wow~sampai sejauh itu mereka belajar ya. maksutku, aku gag pernah dapat pelajaran kayak gitu di SD-ku. padahal SD-ku adalah SD Negeri Teladan se Yogyakarta (gag banyak SD swasta waktu itu-gag kayak sekarang!).

faforitku adalah KOTAK PERTANYAAN.

ya, aku sudah pernah membaca ini di beberapa blog yang lain (menulis tentang SD MANGUNAN). tentang metode KOTAK PERTANYAAN yang diterapkan di SD MANGUNAN. metode ini digunakan ketika siswa-i memiliki pertanyaan yang mereka sendiri bahkan guru gag bisa jawab.

di kelas 4, KOTAK PERTANYAAN berupa papan yang dipenuhi dengan kertas kertas pertanyaan. sedikit berbeda di kelas 5, kotak itu dibuat benar benar berupa kotak dan sepertinya dimiliki oleh setiap anak (mungkin jumlah pertanyaan semakin banyak, sehingga papan tempel aja gag cukup~). dan yang menarik buatku adalah pertanyaan pertanyaan layaknya filsufistismis (wakakakakka,,bahasa apa ini).

beberapa pertanyaan yang ada di kelas 4 ::

kemarin dore aku jalan jalan melihat derek. aku heran bagaimana kerja derek?

bu, saya pernah ak darah (?). darah saya diambil. mengapa darah berwarna merah?

kemarin aku jalan jalan ke malang. aku dan saudara sepupuku jalan jalan ke taman jatim park. aku melihat ular yang sedang memakan tikus. kenapa ular dikasih makan tikus?

Ya!! padahal mereka mungkin mau salmon!? biar gag kolesterol tinggi! lol~

aku pernah menonton film hantu. bagaimana cara membuat film hantu?

dan masih banyak pertanyaan lainnya~

pertanyaanku untuk kalian yang membaca tulisan ini. apakah kalian mempunyai pertanyaan serupa ketika SD? gag mungkin enggak kahn? (~tidak mau terlihat bodoh~hahaha) tapi apakah mereka terlampiaskan dengan baik? (terutama dalam konteks pendidikan formal di sekolah)

metode ini menurutku sangat oke. jujur aja, banyak pertanyaan yang muncul dalam benakku hingga sekarang. well, sudah seharusnya manusia memilikinya atas berkah yang diturunkan kepada mereka : akal dan pikiran. sayangnya pertanyaan pertanyaan itu banyak berlalu/hilang bukan karena sudah mendapat jawaban tapi karena terlupakan.

aku juga mau punya kotak pertanyaan dikamar!

aku akan menulis pertanyaan seperti : kapan aku lulus? kapan aku menikah? kapan aku punya anak? dan kapan aku mati? hahahahhahahahha~


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Open Letter to My Son in Law

Dear Son in Law,

That sounds strange. I’ve never had a son in law. It’s new; it’s nice. I had four daughters and haven’t had the pleasure of having a boy grow up in our home. So, welcome and bear with me as I get used to it.

I never thought of myself as a mother in law, you know, the one member of the family who has historically gotten a bad rap and been the butt of many a bad joke. So, I’m going to start out differently. I’m going to be your friend and let you in on a few things that just might make your life a little easier. Now, that’s the kind of mother in law you wanted, right?

So here goes. I’ve compiled some survival tips for you. You see, you married her, but I made her. I’ve shared parts of her multi-dimensional personality in my book, but there’s more.

1.  She owns the phrase “Otay Pine” and tends to use it when she unhappily resigns herself to the fact that she’s not going to get her way. Your first order of business should be self preservation. Duck when you hear those two words, as Otay Pine has been known to be followed by flying bottles which don’t have cocoa in them.

2.  She has a shoe fettish. Actually, she has a foot fettish and a shoe fettish, but for now, we’ll focus on the shoes. I know that you’re already aware of this and aren’t happy with the fact that she hoards shoes like she’s afraid that shoe factories are a dying entity. Because I sympathize with you and your bursting closets, I want to share a tip that just might work. Always go shopping with her. While you’re distracting her with other awesome things that she just-has-to-have, slyly make your way to the shoe department and hide every pair of size tens. Be on the safe side and add the nine and a halfs to that stockpile. Pay the shoe attendant $10 to say “We don’t have that in your size.”  She’ll have withdrawal symptoms and may turn to purses for a while, but that’s a compromise you might have to make. Oh, and tell the shoe attendant to duck if she says Otay Pine when she hears they don’t have her size.

3. When she gets that high-pitched, fast talking voice, go missing action. Go to work Go to the dentist. Go somewhere, anywhere and fast. When you return, make sure you have a new pair of shoes in your arms. I know that’s contrary to #2, but drastic times call for drastic measures.

4.  She likes to be in charge and be pampered at the same time. Now, I know that balancing those two things is very delicate and few can pull it off. She has it down to an art. Sargeant Carter is a diva. Give in to the small stuff so you can stick to your guns on the ones that really count.

Those are just a few things that I never got a chance to tell you. You have now been forewarned. But before I close, I want to forewarn you of one more thing. She’s worth it. Take good care of her.


Your mother in law

3AM - A bedtime story

There once was a mother that had scrubbed all day. When it came time to put the cranky children to bed, she felt secure in the knowledge that her work for the day had been done. She then sat on the couch with her husband, who ever so kindly made her a pizza. They ate while watching a movie and the mother finally drifted to sleep. Her husband woke her and told her to go to bed. She complied, longing for the comfy blankets and fluffy mattress. She got to the stairs to start her climb. It was rough at first, as she bumped into walls and the rails, yet she managed to make it to the top of the stairs in one piece. She laid in the bed and drifted off again when she realized her husband was trying to wake her. She stubbornly tried to stay in the “I’m asleep” mindset. However, it did not work very long and she was soon wide awake after only an hour’s nap on the couch. It is now 3AM in the morning and the mother can no longer get back to sleep. Rather than being in that comfy bed of hers, she is blogging, knowing that her kids will be up in about 3 hours and her husband will get up around 8AM to rush off to work again. This is the bedtime story of a mother who only wanted a little rest before beginning the next day. Note to self : Self, if you want to sleep, do it at the in-law’s house where there are grandparents to chase the kids and hubby is busy socializing.

Goodnight everyone, everywhere, unless you are a mother blogging at 3AM.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Spoken by Children (2)

God gets along more easily with small children, because the little ones have roomier souls. With grown-ups, there is such a congestion of bad things in their soul that there is hardly any place to sit. (Pavel MARTÎN, 3rd grade, 9 years and 11 months)

If our Lord Jesus Christ showed up here now, I would ask Him if He can take me to His Mother, to ask Her how it is to have God as a child. (Alina Andreea ZANE, 2nd grade, 8 years old)

The Bible is the way to read love. (Robert Felician HORTEA, 8th grade, 14 years and 1 month)

The measure of prayer is to pray without measure, because prayer is good, so then it doesn’t hurt anyone to do good endlessly. (Adrian IONIŢĂ, 4th grade, 10 years old)

There are no good deeds if when we do them we don’t think about God, because those who say that they will do good deeds to people – those are only election deeds. (Adrian IONIŢĂ, 4th grade, 10 years old)

If they say that “God is a good servant, but a poor master”, then I must understand that only then can the body know how to serve you better, when you don’t allow it to become your boss. (Paul PĂUN, 4th grade, 12 years and 2 months)

Monasticism is the braveness of the soul over one’s body. The others want to live the other way round. (Iulia GHIŢĂ, 15 years and 4 months)

St. Teophan says we shouldn’t mourn and cry much when someone dies; I believe the same thing, because the man who died will have a much better life over there, than us. The dead man should be the one to cry for us, because he’s left us here, in a bad situation compared to them. (Adrian IONIŢĂ, 4th grade, 10 years and 4 months)

Religion is important because it is the mind of the good man. (Teodor ZAICA, 2nd grade, 8 years and a month)

The man who wants more than he has is someone who has gathered a lot and has this disease – of wanting more. And he’s more pitiable than the beggar, because the beggar can never enough money to buy this disease. (Domnica Ioana ZAMFIRESCU, 3rd grade, 10 years and 4 months)

Fall of the Republic The Presidency of Barrack Obama

Videos will be added as they are uploaded

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations’ Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world’s savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Children Taught Obama Praise Songs

There are youtube videos of school children singing praise songs to President Obama.

I wouldn’t have a problem with this normally. I don’t see anything wrong with singing songs about The President of The United States. We sing songs about people all the time.

And to add insult to injury, the principal of the school in New Jersey where this video took place has received death threats!

It’s just getting out of control. All this hatred. First, if you disagree with the President you’re racist. If you agree with the President, you get death threats.

The one song is a kind of rap that basically speaks of what President Obama said he wanted to do as President.

Here are the lyrics:

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama

Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say “hooray!”

Hooray, Mr. President! You’re number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!

Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country’s economy number one again!

Hooray Mr. President, we’re really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!

So continue —- Mr. President we know you’ll do the trick
So here’s a hearty hip-hooray —-

Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!

Should your cat be kept indoors or outdoors?



      A Humane Society I researched estimated that feral cats have a life expectancy of five years, while indoor, cared for, cats live as long as seventeen years.

     How long does a cared-for house cat with outside privileges live?

     In August, our about-sixteen year old cat Honey died (to read her story, click on: Honey’s Coming Home! Our cat must recuperate & Honey went home—She’s romping in animal heaven). She lived her life happily as an outdoor cat, as did many or our cats which lived long lives, fifteen years and more.

     Virtually all cat shelters have a non-flexible clause in their cat adoption papers that requires their charges to be indoor pets.

     Honey lived with us for six years after we retired to our Laurel Mountain Borough (PA) home. She was a lucky cat. We live in a borough with one hundred ten residences, about 85% used year round. Our house is on a dead end street in a community surrounded by protected lands—including thirty-five acres of forestry land.

     She was also lucky in that she ended up with two homes. If we were not home, she knew to go to my daughter’s house for her needs.

     Honey pretty much stayed on our property, exploring the close neighbor’s yards on occasion. She was always easy to find—snoozing under a tree, sunning on a rock…and she was always on our back porch at eleven o’clock at night to sleep cuddled up in my arms.

     To have deprived her of the outside territory would have, in my estimation, been cruel.

     Shelters believe their policy of keeping cats indoors if founded on solid ground. I am reminded about a phone conversation I had with Ellie, the head of a regional organization that rescues cats. In a somewhat sickly sweet voice I was told that the cats they placed for adoption were required to be indoor cats. She explained part of the reason: “in part, when we give someone a cat they have been tested for feline leukemia and aids. If they were allowed outdoors, they would be re-exposed for these diseases.”

     Ellie acknowledged that the decision to place cats only where they will be kept indoors is, in part, “based, a lot, on our personal feelings that cats going outside have a much higher mortality rate.” Cars, coyotes, foxes—there are a lot of things that are natural enemies for the cats.”

     Even people threaten cats. “There’s always the person living next door that has access to antifreeze. They are more than willing to sometimes share it with a cat.

     “The only way you can be sure everything will go OK for cat is to keep it inside as a pampered housekitty. Most cats think they are royalty anyway.”

     Throughout the conversation, I felt uneasy. Something didn’t make sense. What was it?

     While mulling over the issues the answer flashed at me. I reviewed each point in my mind.

     Outside cats risk disease.

     Everyone knows that the first time children attend day care or school they not only risk exposure to disease, but they incur more sickness. Should we require that parents keep children in the house to reduce their exposure to illness? They might be healthier and have a longer life.

     Outside cats risk getting injured or hit by cars.

     Thousands of children risk being injured or killed by cars. Should we require they be kept inside the house to reduce the danger and protect them? What happens when a wild car jumps the curb and hits them? One of my friends lost her fiancée this way.

     Outside cats risk being poisoned by neighbors or being attacked by wild animals.

     Children risk being attacked or abducted by violent predators, man or other animals. If we truly cared for them, we would keep them indoors to protect them. But then, don’t children get attacked and abducted in their own homes?

     Outside cats are at risk of injury from fights from with other felines.

     How many children are injured by their classmates or neighbor children? Perhaps we should require that children remain isolated from their peers.

     In spite of the extreme emotions that cat issues can evoke, reason must prevail.

     I don’t oppose cats being kept inside. Circumstances often dictate this action. When we moved from a four acre premise with a stand of woods behind it, to a house on a major highway without a yard, we had to convert our cats from outdoor beasts to indoor pets. They never adjusted—but it was a necessary change.

     But I do wonder…cats who never experience the out of doors often are afraid to venture into nature. What happens if there is a fire? Will the feline fear exiting the house so much that it will perish inside rather than overcome its fear?

     One recommendation for protecting cats is to create an outside run, or leash them to a porch railing, as my former neighbor did (to read her story, click on ELINOR’S ORPHAN KITLINGS). If a caretaker did that to a child, the child protective service officials would immediately confront you. Perhaps these officials would remove the children from your care.

     Cats that can reasonably be outdoor cats—eg. those living in country settings, or cats adopted with a history of being outdoors, should have the opportunity to continue their lifestyle. If the cat is adopted as a very young kitten, it will never know what it’s missing when it is kept indoors. In either case, a consideration of the animal’s past and its environment should direct its owner to the best choice for everyone.





The “Meow” Chorus: A cat symphony on a Greyhound Bus


Vicious dog or man’s best friend?


Sunday, October 18, 2009


(Lots of noise erupting from the bedroom where mother and ash prepare for bed.) (I ask jie, Did i hear ash call mum a mooncake??) (Mum: I’M NOT A CAKE!) (Mum exits bedroom and pops head into study room to seek enlightenment.)

Mum: What’s a noob cake?
Me: Like a mooncake but different
Jie: No it’s not!
Me: Same same but different.
Jie: It just means you’re a noob.
Mum: What’s a noob?
Me: A newbie.
Mum: What’s a newbie.
Me: It means you’re new to something.
Jie: And therefore, Lousy.
Mum: She’s dead!


*dies laughing.

God is in control…God is in control…God is in control…

No, this isn’t a repeat of yesterday’s entry.  The past 24 hours have been mind blowing, to say the least.  Just four hours after writing the last entry, and selecting the passage that I did, I was hit with the news that my wife and I are having another baby!  HOLY COW.  I think had I not read my Proverbs for the day yesterday, and not written what I did, I would have taken the news a lot harder (we weren’t exactly preventing it, but not exactly trying, either).  But, God is in control.  He has blessed us with another child when He has decided would be the perfect time.  I can’t argue.

Today’s chapter is, wait for it, Proverbs 17!  The selected passage for the day is Proverbs 17:6

Children’s children are a crown to the aged,and parents are the pride of their children.

There were a few passages in this chapter dealing with children, but this one was the nicest.  I hope that my children can be the crown that they are supposed to be, and I hope  my wife and I can be the pride that we are supposed to be.  Things will be different and rough, but it will all be better in the end.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I just want to thank You SO MUCH for the honor of being a steward of another one of your angels.  The child that I currently have has been such a blessing, and to have another is such a great thing.  I hope that You will bless us with the means to care and provide for our family as it expands.  Also please bless my wife and my unborn as they continue to grow that they will stay healthy.  Please bless my unborn that he/she will grow without complications, and will be born happy and healthy.  Please bless us that we will be able to raise both of these children to love and know You, so that we can be the pride that you want us to be.

I say these things in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ



Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lowcountry Orphan Relief Gives The Connie Maxwell Children's Home A Face Lift

This past summer volunteers at Lowcountry Orphan Relief refurbished the library/homework room at the Connie Maxwell Children’s Home near Orangeburg, South Carolina

Lowcountry Oprhan Relief purchased and delivered three computers, 400 books, picture frames and a comfy couch for the children to sit on – they also gave the room a fresh new coat of paint.

Special thanks to Select Health of South Carolina for partnering with Lowcountry Orphan Relief to make this dream come true!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Men for the sake of making a living most often forget to live.

Psalm 127:2, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to take rest late, to eat the bread of anxious toil – for He gives blessings to His beloved in sleep.”

We all do it. Every single one of us. We all run and run until life’s no fun. Working for the weekend and nowadays working through the weekend as well.

They say the average work week here in the United States is 40 hours. That’s 8 hours a day Monday through Friday.  In actuality, the average work week in the U.S. is more like 55 to 65 hors per week. That’s 9 to 10 hours a day and 6 to 7 days a week. Most is  working a full-time and a part-time job. Approximately 30% of the work force works close to 80 hours per week with almost 90% of them working 2 full-time jobs.

I’m just counting the men and heads of households. I don’t even want to frighten you with the statistics of households where both mother and father work. It’s just insane! You’d think with all this work going on that there should be no economic crisis whatsoever. Everyone should be living on easy street.

Sadly, that’s not the case. Most of these households where either the father is working 2 FT jobs or both parents are working insane amounts of hours are so far in debt that they have literally become indentured servants to their creditors. All those hours and all that work to make minuscule dents in the money they owe on credit cards, cars they can’t afford and houses that even Bill Gates and Warren buffet would think twice about paying for. They will never be able to pay them off in their lifetimes without some serious cutbacks and divine intervention.

Now while the kids have this huge house, a video room to make George Lucas jealous, cars and other assorted status symbols what do they really have? Anxiety, high blood pressure, nervous breakdowns, marital discord, rebellious children and innumerable other problems as varied as the people themselves. All for the ability to say I have a $500,000 home 2 BMW’s and 3 Mercedes.

God offers us so much more for so little. Matthew 11:28-30 says, “Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Rest in Christ and allow Him to lead and guide you. Matthew 6:33 says to”… seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given unto you.” You see that. God says seek His will and His way. Seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and all those things will be given to you. You won’t need to work 80 hours a week to pay your bills and just squeak by.

Holiday anticipation

Is it too early to be getting excited about Christmas?  This year, I’m foregoing the mad stress around buying a gazillion presents for our ever-growing extended family.  I’ve organised present draws for both sides of the fam.  Essentially, each adult buys for one other adult secretly and then if people choose to, they can buy for the children of the whanau.  I’m going to centrally manage ‘wishlists’ so that people feel that they can put forward some ideas to their secret santas.

In the past, we’ve also done a really fun present swap/grab game which is particularly great to add interest if you have ‘randoms’ attending your family Christmas celebration.

Each person contributes a present (something like $5 in value is a good level).  They’re all packed up into a box or basket which is passed around for people to look over, squeeze, shake, smell etc.  Then each participant gets a number.  Number 1 chooses a present and opens it.  Then the turn passes to number 2.  Number 2 can either choose an unopened present to open, or grab number 1’s present if they like the look of it.  If they grab the present from  number 1, then number 1 takes another wrapped present.  Then the turn passes to number 3 and so on.  Each person has the choice of:

  1. Grab a present
  2. Unwrap a present 

We set some basic rules like each present can only be ‘grabbed’ three times before it stays with the third person.  And partners can’t collude to get what they want!  Makes for lots of laughs and some surprisingly good pressies.  Past years we’ve had a gardening kneeling mat, a kite, a pasta serving spoon, and some yummy lip balme. 

But I digress….this year my early October excitement is all about family time together.  My mum has just bought a place on the coast with great outdoor areas – I can imagine the kids running around playing on Christmas Day.  And we’ve booked in dates for a trip to the Wairarapa in January with my Dad and extended whanau – 15 of us all in a 3 bedroom house – mad chaos but great memories for us and the littlies – sharing this with the grandparents.  Can’t wait to make  some wonderful memories with my cherished ones

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Unhealthy Weight, Access to Medical Care and Poverty Highlighted in Children's Report Card

The 2009 North Carolina Child Health Report Card, issued jointly today by the North Carolina Institute of Medicine and Action for Children North Carolina, indicates that while the health and safety of the state’s children and youth have improved in many areas, there is still cause for concern.

Data from the Report Card highlight the following challenges facing North Carolina’s children:

  • Approximately 20% of North Carolina’s 2.2 million children (ages 0-17) continue to live in poverty, providing a serious challenge to the health of children across the state.
  • Almost 1-in-10 children (ages 0-17) are still without health insurance. However, significant investments in public health insurance coverage have reduced the uninsured rate for children, despite the continued losses in employer-based coverage.
  • Access to medical care, particularly for children in low-income families, has improved significantly, but remains a concern. Access to dental care for these children has improved dramatically, but still lags well behind access to medical care.
  • The percentage of children who are overweight continues to worsen despite recent efforts to combat this problem. Almost 1-in-4 children (ages 2-18) are overweight.
  • While efforts to decrease tobacco use among high school students have been successful, the use of alcohol (37%), marijuana (19%) and other illicit substances remains unacceptably high.
  • The infant death rate has declined, and the overall child death rate is at an historic low; however, child abuse homicide remains a particularly tragic indicator of the need to provide more support for families. In 2008, there were 33 child abuse homicide deaths.

This is the 15th annual Child Health Report Card, which measures progress in 15 indicators from 2000-2008. This Report Card is unique in that data span the administration of Governor Mike Easley and the concurrent legislative sessions. “Though government is not the sole determinant of child health, our leaders do indeed set the tone, ” said Barbara Bradley, President and CEO of Action for Children North Carolina. “To the extent that a public vision of healthy, nurtured children is maintained, responses in terms of fiscal investments, child safety laws, state and local agency efforts and parental involvement are enhanced.”

“All the indicators in this Report Card have been addressed during the 2000-2008 period and continue to receive attention. This continued attention will enable the state to build upon improvements and address those indicators that lag behind” said Mark Holmes, Vice President of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine (NCIOM). “In recent years, there has been increased attention to evidence-based strategies. This is critical to creating changes, programs and policies that will lead to improvements in these child health and safety indicators,” said Holmes. The NCIOM leads studies to develop evidence-based recommendations to improve health. Access to care, child maltreatment, prevention and adolescent health are among the topics that have been studied by NCIOM task forces.

“While it is heartening that many improvements in child health have been achieved, it is clear that North Carolina has a long way to go,” said Bradley. “Data for some indicators such as child abuse homicides, overweight children, and the use of tobacco, alcohol and other illegal substances, relfect continued unacceptable risks to our children and youth and are cause for grave concern.”

Action for Children North Carolina will be conducting further analysis of indicators across race/ethnicity in the months ahead.

“North Carolina is facing daunting economic times, which means tough decisions have to be made,” said Holmes. “To avoid further declines in child health and safety, it is of the utmost importance that state leaders set and maintain a vision of healthy, safe children living in nurturing families.”

To view a copy of the report, you may use the following link:

Are You Somebody's Online, Secret Lover?

Secret Lovers

Facebook. Twitter. Myspace. Blip. Tagged. And the list goes on and on. There are so many ways to ‘creep’ online these days that most infidels now do it right in the same room with their spouses and/or children. All they need is a PDA, PC and/or laptop. Many people think it’s okay to be ‘secret lovers’ online because it’s in cyberspace, and for the most part, the ‘lovers’ will never speak or meet. Fact is, many of these people DO ‘tweet up’ and have illicit sexual affairs, and it’s a hit or miss as to what they bring home to their husbands/wives.

They give many reasons for how things get started, and often they begin with mild flirtations – they’re your new BEST friend – usually of the opposite sex because they’ve noticed your attractive ‘profile’ picture. They like everything you do. They listen to all the music you do. He or she makes you feel like you are the smartest, most intelligent, wittiest, unusual partner he/she has ever met. You are just TOO beautiful or handsome to resist. You intellectually stimulate the person in ways that no one has before. He or she just wants to look at you all the time – the more pix the better. You have a common interest in everything and so forth.

Of course, everything I’ve said to this point could very well be harmless flirtation…

That is…until the inappropriate innuendo starts. And the flirtation clearly becomes a ‘come-on.’ And the ‘come-ons’ become more and more overt and obvious to everyone around you in cyberspace.

Or perhaps, your lothario takes another tact: the intimate marital or relationship problems start showing up in your Facebook instant messages or your Twitter direct messages. Regardless of who initiates, both know when it’s time to clarify the boundaries of the online relationship.

Yes, the Cheater probably is lonely and in desperate need of attention – in fact, some NEVER get enough attention and often have SEVERAL online lovers on various sites simultaneously; but few are really separated, divorced, or “widowed.” Hate to break it to you gents and ladies but most folks online have real-life marriages and/or serious relationships with people who have a bit more functionality than an Avatar. Maybe they or their partners are very busy or perhaps one or both of them is unkind, but does that give them a pass to drag you into the mess of the life they’ve created and refuse to clean up? Make no mistake: cheaters are very manipulative and they know the buttons to push. YOU have to know yourself and your own boundaries better and not let desperation pull you into something that will cause you much pain to get out of.

While many people think these arrangements are harmless, they are not. People get hurt. Their feelings get hurt. Imagine finding out that the hapless, ‘widowed’ bachelor you’ve been dating online is actually a pretty content, married father of a newborn. His fear of facing REAL life has him online with you all the time while in the meantime, he’s either in an office or lying to his wife that he’s responding to office mail (and yes, many companies now expect employees in certain industries to be available pretty much 24/7 so the wife would be none the wiser).

The only people who are blameless in affairs are the unwitting wife/husband or the children. In fact, nowadays, with technology, really twisted cheaters even post pictures of their children on Twitter and other sites to ‘share’ with strangers around the world. There should be a child protection law against that type of activity, but unfortunately, there isn’t, and parental commonsense and/or sound judgment don’t seem to come into play in some cases. You email pix to your family – directly, or even post on some of the more discreet sites like Facebook where you CAN control who sees what… You have NO idea of the kind of sexual and otherwise unstable predators who are out there downloading and looking at your children’s pictures when you broadcast them to your 600 or 6,000 Twitter ‘friends.’  Many people even use their REAL names on these sites which always amazes me. If things go wrong with their ‘affairs’, you’ve pretty much told your jilted lover(s) how to find you and YOUR family – your family who has no idea what you’re doing and the added trauma and potential danger you add to their lives.

At the end of the day, we all know that affairs NEVER work. Ask a Woman Who Knows, I’m no angel. In fact, I was tempted, disappointed –and PROUD that for two months I steered clear of a former, married lover – even though I stayed at a hotel next to where he worked… and he never knew how close we were [geographically speaking]. When he came into my life, he filled a huge void, even though I had a nice but VERY busy boyfriend; frankly I needed the affair for companionship; and he was ‘wonderful.’ But when things ended, it wasn’t pleasant and it hurt a lot. He left an immeasurable chasm in my heart and sense of mistrust that remains. Worst of all, When affairs go wrong, you’re usually left alone to console yourself. I will always care for that person on some level but somewhere along the way I learned how to LOVE myself even MORE which was by far the greatest gift I received from all that pain. I now know that I’m MUCH too good to allow myself to be the ‘clean up woman’ after somebody else’s mess.

Affairs are exciting for a minute and that’s about it. The pain usually last a lifetime.

So the next time you get that sexy Tweet, Blip, or other online Invitation… ask yourself what are they really asking for?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Book Shopping, AA Meeting and Stuff

From Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The wife, baby and I went book shopping today at Barnes and Noble.  I was looking for books dealing with the scientific side of alcoholism.  Maybe I didn’t look in the right place, but I couldn’t find anything.

I checked the “self-help” section, “sociology” and “psychology” sections as well.  Nothing.  I didn’t even see a book with “alcoholism” in the title.

Maybe I missed something, but I sure was disappointed.  I’ll have to check on-line first next time.

Tonight’s meeting went well.  I got to read, share and handle the promo chips.  I’ve never done the chip thing, so I had some help.  That’s all good and it was fun.  I just wished we’d have had the chance to give some out.  Maybe next time.

I don’t have any desires to drink and I feel well.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings.  One day at a time.

Friday, October 9, 2009

PU 041: Child Headed Households - Oct 9, 2009

There are 132 million orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America. In some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa,  one of every ten children is an orphan. The need for orphan care is staggering. In this interview, Chad Mower shares about a unforgettable 13-year-old he met in Ethiopia while on an open team. It’s a story of finding hope in a tragic situation.

Chad Mower volunteers as an Advocate with Food for the Hungry. He lives in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

More listening options:
Right-click to download
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There are 132 million orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America. In some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, over 10% of children are orphans. The need for orphan care is staggering. In this interview, Chad Mower shares about a unforgettable 13-year-old he met in Ethiopia while on an open team . It’s a story of finding hope in a tragic story.

Chad Mower volunteers as an Advocate with Food for the Hungry. He lives in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

More listening options

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm Thankful for Our Kids

Today is once again Thankful Thursday.  I think it’s so important to remember to be thankful.  I know we shouldn’t have to remind ourselves to be thankful.  But I think it’s necessary.  I believe we should wake up every single day and start the day by telling God all the things we are thankful for.  I, myself, do not always remember to do that.  But that is my goal. 

I’m going to try my best to remember to say thanks to God for everything I’m thankful for, the minute I open my eyes in the morning.  Another idea is to start a Journal of Thanks.  And just fill it each day with all the things you are thankful for.

Today (and really everyday) I’m thankful for our kids.  My daughter is about to turn 7 and is in first grade, and my step son is 12 and is in 6th grade this year.  It is his first year in middle school.  Which of course brings a lot of changes.

They are great kids.  They have good hearts and are learning a lot about the Bible ,and how to have a relationship with God.  We try to teach them about God as much as we can, and how to apply it to their day-to-day life. 

Being a parent is one of the greatest and hardest roles all wrapped into one.  Raising children can be extremely challenging at times.  Sometimes more than others.  And you just hope you are doing the right thing.  But it can also be such a joy when you see them make the right decisions.  When they tell you they read something in the Bible, or that they helped out a friend, or they want to join a Bible study, or they helped out at school, or they want to give their allowance money to people who need it more…….you just feel so proud of these human beings you are responsible for.  As they get older I know we will have many more challenging times, but just as many, if not more,  joyous and proud times.

It’s the hard things in life that bring so much joy.  The relationships we put the most investment in ,and work at the hardest, are the most rewarding. 

So, today I am thankful that God gave me the opportunity to have two children in this lifetime.   Those two kids are a gift that I will forever cherish.   I take my role as a mother very seriously, yet I want to have a lot of fun in the process.  I want my kids to know the truth about God, to have a loving relationship with God, and to know they have parents that love them and want the best for them.  I also want them to remember how much we laughed together.

Thank you Lord for trusting me with these kids.  I won’t let you down.

It's the Small Things

Sometimes… the wall cracks. It is in the small things. Then you feel the pain… then the tears come. Then the heart responds and the souls cries. It’s in the small things.

We had two “small things” yesterday during our trip.  The first one came through the very kind pediatrician who worked with us- who is new to food allergy and is at Duke training.  Asher received his first flu shot ever. This is a testimony to his improved egg allergy! He passed the skin test to the vaccine and then was ready for the shot. Last year- Asher contracted influenza. After that experience and the consequent fear and worry: I was ready and willing to risk the flu shot this year.


after Asher had already been through two separate rounds of skin pricks to different things… it was time for the shot. He took one look at the vaccine needle and shouted, “Bring a smaller one! Get a smaller needle!” and then burst into hysterical tears. After attempting to give the injection- the pediatrician looked me in the eye and said,”I’ll be back. I’m going to get a smaller needle.” And then he left. And when he came back- he came with a smaller needle. Visibly smaller. He went to get a smaller needle for my frightened son. It’s the small things.

The second incident occurred during the yearly blood draw. Back in PA- we worked really hard to find a person who could draw a young child’s (one year old, two year old, three year old) blood well. It was still hard even though the gentleman was great. It took a little while here- where we live- to find our comfort zone- we finally did… but now– that blood draw occurs at Duke.

Last year was–   horrible.

I was dreading it.

I wanted Todd to be there for this year. I thought Asher would do better.

However, that wasn’t meant to be. I steeled myself against the pain. The wall was up. The hardness was there. We went in for the blood draw. The lady cheerfully greeted us. Within one second- she had Asher seated in the chair- of his own accord- totally, perfectly, completely at ease. It was the best blood draw he has EVER had. She was awesome. I cried. She showed us her little girl- pictured on a tag around her neck. She said,” This is my little girl. She comes here once a month to have this done- just like you are. She had a liver transplant last year. She is doing awesome. They just check her levels.”  Asher picked his bandage. And off we went- with me, in tears, thanking her. She just smiled- a knowing smile, nodding her head- and saying “Thank you” in a sweet, confident way in response to my amazed praise. 

The pain seeped in.

And  I realized… that it is in the small things… the little acts of extra kindness- that can make the path a little easier- even a little gentler- and crack that hard wall in just the right places. It felt like mercy.

Thank You, God.

Some day- maybe I’ll share about the pain I felt there- for the other children. But not today.

For today- we are waiting on those results. Trusting the Lord with Asher, our family and eggs.  Will it be this year?? Only the Lord knows- but if  not- it is okay- and we will just “walk on” that path He has laid in front of us- hopefully with grace, hopefullywith strength, hopefully with dignity.

Thankful for mercy


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Essential Potty Training Items

Things you can’t do without when potty training

1)  A Potty – The Baby Bjorn Potty Chair is good because it’s comfortable – the cheapest I can find it for  is £16.99 from Boots (comes in a variety of colours)

Or there’s always the Fisher-Price My Potty Friend. This all singing, all dancing potty is the King of Potties! It’s £32.99 on Amazon.

2) Trainer seat

The First Years Soft Toilet Trainer Seat £14.50 from John Lewis is great because is has handles, ideal for younger ones to help them balance.

3) Portable Potty – essential when you are going out.

The Tommee Tippee Portable Potette Plus and liners £13.49 from Amazon

This product is fantastic. Not only can it be used as a portable potty, the legs fold out and it can become a trainer seat to go on top of a loo too. Why didn’t I come up with that idea???

4) Supply of wipes – e.g. Pampers Kandoo Sensitive Flushable wipes

Miltons wipes are also useful to clean the portable potty seat if you’re out an about.

5) Supply of underwear

Pure Cotton Heart Print girls briefs, £2 for 5 from Marks and Spencer

Primark also do 7 pairs for £2.

I bought training pants and Pampers Pull Ups Feel and Learn nappies but didn’t need to use them.

6) Leggings/Tracksuit Bottoms – they are easy to pull up/down in a hurry and you can change your child in minutes if they have any accidents.

7) Nappy bags – to wrap clothes in for accidents

Several changes of clothes when you go out - you never know when you’ll need them.

9) A supply of treats!

Because that's just the kind of blogger I am

I have a few things to share with you. I think these things might be enlightening to you. I know they will come in handy someday. Maybe soon. And I do this as a public service, because that’s just the kind of blogger I am. (And it’s an easy way to piece together totally unrelated information and make it into a pseudo-cohesive post.)

So without further ado (I know there was plenty of ado above, sorry.) here’s some highly useful information. Just for you.

~ If, in the mall parking lot, your son tells you “look at the bees on that car” by all means, look. Because there might be 50 some bees congregating on the little hatchback on your passenger side and you most certainly do not want to let your children out on that side.

~ If your daughter claims “We played mom and babies at recess.  They always ask me to be the mom at recess. I don’t know why.” What is probably happening is the exact opposite, and you will never be able to prove otherwise.

~ If your daughter gets a 12 inch long crazy curly straw from her teacher do not let her use it in a 4 inch tall cup. Her milk will very likely end up on her lap, on the kitchen floor and running down your back. I don’t know how, but it happens.

~ The above scenario will happen only after an older daughter has attempted the old “drinking while walking” trick in the same stretch of the kitchen floor and failed.  Miserably.

~ If your husband sees a flock of resting seagulls on the mall parking lot and says to your son ”Hey, Garrett, watch this” and proceeds to drive directly at the targets and cause much flapping, squawking and scattering, the boy will learn.  He will be on flocks of resting birds like white on rice.  If the white runs after the rice hollering and waving its arms.

~ If you do not hear from a nearly 17 month old child for five minutes and then hear a faint knocking?  Go check it out immediately.  Before all feminine hygiene products are strewn about the bathroom floor.  And WAY before they have made their way into the toilet.  I barely made that last rescue.

~ Do not ever say “It’s been a busy week but I have nothing on the calendar for next week.”  That’s a sure-fire way to get phone calls and reminders of things you forgot you had to do.

~ Do not allow your sisters to use up the free apples and make scads of sauce without you because you will then be left alone to make your own applesauce.  And most likely you’ll be on your own for next year too, since they made so stinkin’ much sauce.  Sniff, sniff.

~ Do not ask yes and no questions of your teenager who has just returned from volleyball practice.  She will barely be able to answer until she has devoured her meatloaf and potatoes.  Only after food will information be forthcoming.

~ Do not become smug after filling your freezer with many dinners.  Your family is growing and eating and eating and eating and not leaving a single morsel of leftovers.  Those frozen meals will be gone sooner than you think.

~ If your son gets a fireman hat from the library backpack bag that you had to pay a dollar to rent, under NO circumstances let him wear that hat while going to the bathroom.  NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER!!  Fireman hats are prone to tipping off when little boys bend their heads forward.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Iranian fairy tales don’t end with “and they lived happily ever after.” Instead, as the happy heroine and hero of the fable get married after killing giants, battling evil step-mothers etc, the stories typically end “and they partied for seven days and seven nights.” Meanwhile, the bad guys- the wicked step-mother and step-sister, have their hair tied to the tail of a wild horse, which is then let loose in the desert beyond the town. That is the equivalent of Snow White’s step-mother being forced to danced in red-hot shoes until she dies in front of the blissful newly-weds, which is what happens in the unpasteurized, un-Disneyfied version.

Anyway, these days are the days of the princess`s birthday. I say days, because it feels we have been involved in this birthday for much more than seven days and seven nights. Since -when- mid August? late July? the princess has been talking about her birthday: who she will invite, what she will wear, presents, decorations, treat bags, making my head spin and the world appear a menacing, dark place full of screaming little girls in pink frilly dresses eating cake and spilling pop on my beautiful Persian carpets, while the golden boy tries to pull their hair and punch them.  

Last month, we were in a stationary shop, and the princess fell in love with a big, beautiful wooden easel- the kind which artists use to prop up their works. She was consumed with the desire to posses, and I struck what seemed to be a very clever bargain with her: I would buy her the easel ($80, if you please) as a very expensive birthday gift, and in return, no birthday parties. On the night of the birthday itself, we would dine at a fancy restaurant. The princess agreed, the easel was bought, and everyone was happy.

However, less than a week after, the birthday-party pressure group was revitalized. Just a small birthday, only five people. Only four. Only three. Only two. Just a cake, no supper. Just an ordinary playdate, except could we have cake instead of milk and cookies? Just a playdate, only with four people instead of one. Ok, just one person, but then can we have decorations and treat bags?

Then, she caught sight of the Halloween costume of her dreams, full of black lace and purple satin, with sparkly lights in the skirt and black cats in the bodice. The dress. The world became the dress. She wanted the dress. No birthday parties, no talk about the birthday parties, if only she could have the dress. Another bargain was struck, and dress came home. There was no talk of a birthday party for about two hours.

Then, the phone calls began. Little girls who talked to me with the assurance of an elderly government officer. ”So what time is the princess’s birthday tomorrow? Have you invited so-and-so? I have their phone number, if you need it.”

Now, we are going shopping. To buy cake and snacks and decorations and treat bags. It is the princess’s birthday, this afternoon.

Divorce and "your" kids!

As an attorney who does divorces, it troubles me to see how people manipulate their kids, for their own personal gain. I have gotten so cold and to the point with my clients that I wonder if I’m at attorney, or a therapist. If I have to listen to one more person, male or female, tell me they want to deny visitation to the other parent because their “child” does not like the other parents significant other, I may just call children’s services on them myself.

What ever happened to keeping your kids sheltered, and protected from your grown-up crap. What ever happened to just telling your kids how great the other parent is? If only for the child’s own self-esteem and feeling of self-worth. No one seems to realize that by using their kids to exact revenge on the other parent, because of adultery, abandonment, or any of the long list of reasons for divorce, all they are doing is mentally damaging that child. Children are not equipped to deal with the same level of emotional turmoil as adults. Their life experiences and emotional intelligence has not matured to a place where they are able to process to much distress. So all you’re doing by involving children in grown-up conflicts is setting the stage for them to act out in other areas.

As a criminal defense attorney as well, I often wonder why my defendant’s are getting so young. Adult charges for juveniles is on the rise in every state. Additionally, the economy is tanking and the divorce rate is sky-rocketing. Is anyone seeing to the children? Or, are we all just too self-absorbed into the decreasing nature of our financial portfolio and trying desperately to decrease expenses. But, at the expense of the children? Perhaps as people decide how economically feasible it is to maintain a family, home, cars and college expenses, or to just opt to pay support and move on, we should all think about the children. Their crimes are becoming more violent and their hearts are getting more hardened every year. They know way too much. No, correction, they think they know way too much, because they are being forced to listen to grown-up conversations and help grown-ups deal with their problems. When in all reality, it should be the other way around.

I am 40-ish, and I distinctly remember my parents telling me that a child should stay in a child’s place. My only job was to do homework and get good grades. When I failed at that, I was punished. Life was simple back then; school, sports, boys and what’s for dinner. Unfortunately, many kids have no dinner waiting, their too fat for sports and they are consistently dropping out of school. I wonder why? Parents, or the lack there of, “responsible parents”. Children are raising themselves and making up their own rules, that’s why they eat so much crap, stay-up all night, miss school, have no respect, no clue and do lots of drugs.

Once again, there is nothing to be said, or done about couples breaking up and unable to stay together. But, by all means, try to make your children’s lives as stable and “uneventful”, as possible. For all our sakes!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Goodbye to the most expensive month of the year!

Anyone who says that December is the most expensive month of the year doesn’t have children.

This month, we spent:

  • $100+ on school supplies for the boys
  • $1000 for Sarah’s year of preschool (three mornings per week)
  • $250 for Evan’s band fees
  • $135 for Alex’s Boys’ Choir fees
  • $70 for first term of Highland Dance for Sarah
  • $118 for Alex’s Cub Registration
  • $30 for the boys’ Religious Education fees
  • $60 for indoor sneakers

This does not include the $200 my parents paid for Sarah’s ballet year as a gift, the approximately $50/month we pay for Alex’s music lessons, nor the amounts we pay out for D’Arcy’s teaching.  Next month, we’ll have basketball & curling registrations and will consider ourselves lucky that Olivia won’t be in any paid-for activities until next year.  (Also that she’s long out of diapers and that awful, expensive formula and that our boys don’t play hockey!!)

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not complaining!  I’m grateful that our children have these opportunities to participate in a variety of activities and are discovering what their passions are.  They are making friends and learning new skills that will serve them well in life.  We want them to participate in these things.

It’s just that this has been a very expensive month and regardless of how tired we are at this point, we’re just happy that when September rolls around, we’re still busy with guests each night.