Thursday, October 29, 2009

Single Mother.

You’re a single mother trying to raise 3 kids.

You feel like you messed up in life cause you got 3 kids that have no father.

But shouldn’t cause the father of these 3 kids doesn’t give a damn about his children.

And you do everything for your children.

You feel like the world has come to an end and you say to yourself it couldn’t get any worse than this.

But you show up to work to hear the bad news

To get fired cause of the recession.

You come home with a concern cause you don’t have a job anymore.

You feed your kid’s dinner and go to bed starving.

Cause your afraid they might not have enough to eat.

The next day you go out to find a job but no one is hiring.

Your out all day and come home exhausted.

Your kid’s ask you what’s for dinner?

But you can’t give them an answer cause your out of money.

And all you can say is i’m sorry and is run to the bedroom and start crying.

But before you cry yourself to sleep.

You pray to God for a miracle and to give you strength to take care of your family.

And when you depend on God for guidance, nothing can go wrong.

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