Saturday, October 24, 2009

3AM - A bedtime story

There once was a mother that had scrubbed all day. When it came time to put the cranky children to bed, she felt secure in the knowledge that her work for the day had been done. She then sat on the couch with her husband, who ever so kindly made her a pizza. They ate while watching a movie and the mother finally drifted to sleep. Her husband woke her and told her to go to bed. She complied, longing for the comfy blankets and fluffy mattress. She got to the stairs to start her climb. It was rough at first, as she bumped into walls and the rails, yet she managed to make it to the top of the stairs in one piece. She laid in the bed and drifted off again when she realized her husband was trying to wake her. She stubbornly tried to stay in the “I’m asleep” mindset. However, it did not work very long and she was soon wide awake after only an hour’s nap on the couch. It is now 3AM in the morning and the mother can no longer get back to sleep. Rather than being in that comfy bed of hers, she is blogging, knowing that her kids will be up in about 3 hours and her husband will get up around 8AM to rush off to work again. This is the bedtime story of a mother who only wanted a little rest before beginning the next day. Note to self : Self, if you want to sleep, do it at the in-law’s house where there are grandparents to chase the kids and hubby is busy socializing.

Goodnight everyone, everywhere, unless you are a mother blogging at 3AM.

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